And now, the video that needs no introduction. Well, maybe it does: we all know Yoda is a Muppet. But what you don’t know is that his real name is probably Albert or Gunther, because he had to try out for the part just like everyone else. Here are the screentests of those select few who were lucky enough to score a Yoda audition in the late 1970s:
(Check out the rest of Muppet Week here!)
Stubby the Rocket is the mascot. Stubby tried out for R2-D2 back in the day, but they said Stubby was too much of a ham.
Would have been funnier if they had used the Muppets from SNL’s “The Land of Gorch”
I miss those guys…
An easy joke they missed was the off-screen director commenting they liked something about Fozzie’s voice, but not his look.